Saturday, December 20, 2008

Barack Obama

It's very funny because there are people out there that know me and they just assume they think they know who I voted for. I have heard comments made that I voted for Obama but it is very weird because I never told anyone except my 10 year old daughter. She has never said anything to anyone either. I also am not a democrat. People just assume that too. You know the old saying about what happens when people assume things. I vote on a person, not a party. It was very hard for me to go down and vote this year. I honestly can say that I don't think I made my decision until I actually went to the polls. I did not believe either candidate was qualified enough to hold such a important office. Since that time I have been watching what Obama has been doing with his position. Even though he has not yet taken the oath of office, he has been taking great strides in making changes to help the countries economy. I am very impressed by what I have seen. I am also impressed by the people he has chosen to help him serve in his presidency. I was very scared about the election. I am no longer worried that the wrong person got the job. I think this country is looking toward a better future for the next 4 years. Barack Obama might have been a God send.

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