Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Katelyn has a new look

Katelyn is sporting a new look these days. She looks smarter and that might be because she is smart. I promised not to call her 4 eyes. She won't call me 4 eyes then. Sounds like a good deal to me!

Katelyn got a Wii for Christmas

We got Katelyn a Wii for Christmas. There was no way she ever expected it. We had told her not to expect it as they are way too expensive. Then we decided she is only a kid once. The boxes with all the parts were stacked together and it was driving her crazy for several days. We would not let her touch them even to see how much they weighed. Boy was she excited when she opened that first one.

This was the look we were hoping for. First shock, then joy, then that great big smile!

Lily is just one the grandkids

We spent Christmas Day at my sister's house. This is her granddaughter Lily. My sister has to put her in little dresses because she never had boys and she is probably never going to get any human grandchildren to put dresses on. That's okay because Lily is so spoiled if Rusty and Julie ever had a child as spoiled as this dog we would be in trouble!!

Lily was begging

After we got done eating and people would leave their spots at the table, Lily would jump up on their chairs to see what was on the table. How can you resist those eyes?

Lily in her ND jersey

Lily sitting Pretty

Katie opened another present that can go with her Wii. She was very excited to have received this game. We told her this game was not something she would be getting because it was impossible to find. Her Aunt Irinda did some fancy footwork and came up with it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Service

Remember those 12,000 candles that I helped put together? Well here are just a few of them, and what we used them for. As always, our Christmas service was beautiful. There was singing, acting and a great sermom by Dr. Beeson. If you would like to see the service just go to gccwired.com

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Barack Obama

It's very funny because there are people out there that know me and they just assume they think they know who I voted for. I have heard comments made that I voted for Obama but it is very weird because I never told anyone except my 10 year old daughter. She has never said anything to anyone either. I also am not a democrat. People just assume that too. You know the old saying about what happens when people assume things. I vote on a person, not a party. It was very hard for me to go down and vote this year. I honestly can say that I don't think I made my decision until I actually went to the polls. I did not believe either candidate was qualified enough to hold such a important office. Since that time I have been watching what Obama has been doing with his position. Even though he has not yet taken the oath of office, he has been taking great strides in making changes to help the countries economy. I am very impressed by what I have seen. I am also impressed by the people he has chosen to help him serve in his presidency. I was very scared about the election. I am no longer worried that the wrong person got the job. I think this country is looking toward a better future for the next 4 years. Barack Obama might have been a God send.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas came early this year for us!

This past weekend our family got our Christmas present early. We welcomed into our family, a new member. My sister in law, Susan, married her friend and soul mate, Jeff. We are all very happy and proud to have him join us. However we still are not sure if he knows what he has gotten himself into. It has been one of the best presents Santa could have ever given us and will be hard to top. What a great way to end 2008. What a great way to start 2009!

2 of My Favorite Girls

These two not only look beautiful, but also did a beautiful job as junior bridesmaids at the wedding!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Katie Sings at Church Christmas Service

I was so proud of Katelyn on Saturday evening at our church's Christmas program. We had just left a wedding that Katelyn was a attendant in. I thought she might be alittle over dressed for the program at church but she was not. She looked beautiful on the stage in her emerald green dress. She did a wonderful job of smiling for the audience. Not a bit of stage fright. She was awesome!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tree Earrings

I could not get a good picture of my new Christmas Tree earrings. These are made of Swarovski Crystal and are quite beautiful. They have a sand color crystal on the bottom and 3 rivoli shaped emerald crystals all toped off with a small 4mm Siam Bicone shaped crystal. I have taken them to both my shops and have them at my home if you are interested, call me. They are going fast, $12.

New Earrings

These are the new fairy earrings I am making. I have them in this color, in red and in lavender. They are very sweet for the younger girls. $10

My Picture made it the the Pastor's Blog

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome to LESLIE’S BLOG! I have just recently finished reading the 3rd book in the twilight series and I am patiently waiting for the price to go down on the 4th book so I can purchase it. I also have seen the movie and thought it was great. If you do not know anything about Twilight, you should read the book before you go to the movie. You will enjoy the movie better if you know what you are seeing. This is about Vampires, but please do not be confused. It is basically a love story and is more exciting because the main character is a Vampire. Does anyone remember Barnabus Collins and how popular Dark Shadows was? I do, and I even have the board game.