Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Girl Scouts are selling a new line of items this year!

Don't worry, there are still going to be the normal girl scout cookies as always. They have just added a extra little treat for us this year and hopefully for years to come by introducing a line of snack items. I believe most everything in the line has nuts in it in some way or another. It all looks yummy, and its for a great cause. If you click on the picture you can get a closer look at the items and prices. The prices are better than in the stores and if they are anything like the cookies, they should be great tasting and fresh. The troops receive $.60 from every can they sell. Katie's involved in a new troop this year and we are starting from scratch. We are hoping that we can make enough from this to start being able to get our troop going and start teaching these young ladies what they can achieve in their lives. Cookie sales will start some time in January. If you are interested in the nuts, just call Katelyn.
Sale is over. If you ordered, they will be in sometime in the middle of November and I will collect from you when I deliver your order. Thanks everyone for ordering. Our troop really appreciates your support!

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