Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Come check out my new and exciting job!

I know it may be hard for some to believe but I have taken on a new adventure. You all know that I have a great love for kids and since Katelyn is growing so fast, I miss spending time with little ones. We no longer have any small children in the family except for Jen and Matt's daughter Ashlynn. Jen and Matt are also expecting again in November. I wish they did not live so far away. This past Sunday was my first Sunday as a bible school teacher for the 3yr olds at our church. I will be doing this every other Sunday on a regular basis as long as my health can take it. It was so awesome to have a little one come over and take my hand and lead me over to read them a book or play with a toy. At one point I had a group of 4 all trying to sit on my lap as I read a book. We do a topic out of the bible each week and then do crafts and discuss the topic in different ways. Katelyn and her group came in and sang and danced with the children at one point during the class.It was very rewarding and I am looking forward to this very much.

1 comment:

Jon said...

That sounds exciting...thanks for sharing. Granger's facilities are pretty awesome. I may have to make a trip up once we get one. :)
