Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy 37th Anniversary Ron & Irinda

Posted by PicasaRon & Irinda with be married 37 blissful
years on October 2rd. Everyone be sure
to call and wish them a happy Anniversary!
(I can't believe the couch they are setting on does not
have plastic covering it because you were never allow-
ed to sit on that furniture without the plastic)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Jewelry Items

If you were interested in the butterfly necklace and its matching earrings or the red watch previously in my post, they are now located at the boutique I take my items to. It is called Les Deux Soeurs, Tea and Treaures and is at 116 Lincolnway East in Mishawaka. She also has several other new items I have made. There is a red bracelet that looks like the red watch and there is a green bracelet like the red one that is even more beautiful. Even if you are not interested in the jewelry you should stop in and check out Carolyn's many other very nice items. She serves a daily lunch special that is to die for and she always makes you feel at home. Tell her Leslie and Jim sent you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Come check out my new and exciting job!

I know it may be hard for some to believe but I have taken on a new adventure. You all know that I have a great love for kids and since Katelyn is growing so fast, I miss spending time with little ones. We no longer have any small children in the family except for Jen and Matt's daughter Ashlynn. Jen and Matt are also expecting again in November. I wish they did not live so far away. This past Sunday was my first Sunday as a bible school teacher for the 3yr olds at our church. I will be doing this every other Sunday on a regular basis as long as my health can take it. It was so awesome to have a little one come over and take my hand and lead me over to read them a book or play with a toy. At one point I had a group of 4 all trying to sit on my lap as I read a book. We do a topic out of the bible each week and then do crafts and discuss the topic in different ways. Katelyn and her group came in and sang and danced with the children at one point during the class.It was very rewarding and I am looking forward to this very much.

Picture of the Garden Patch Room

This is a picture of my new classroom. The 2 giant carrots that you see actually hold television monitors that we show different programs that relate to the weekends topic. Hopefully I can get some better pictures soon that will show the barn with the large slide. We have a touch computer that the children can play different games on. There are loads of toys, puzzles and books. The white gate in the background is where the children enter the room and they exit from a door behind the area the picture was taken. Parents have to show a tag with a secret number that is printed each week to claim their child.

Slides going down into the rooms

Most all the children's rooms have slides going down from the upstairs to the room the child is assigned to. There is a television monitor at the top and bottom so that the parents can make sure that their child has made the destination safetly.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Second Saturday Encore Theater Clean Up

We spent 4 hours Saturday morning cleaning Encore Theater in Elkhart from top to bottom. Our church will soon be showing their Saturday service on 4 screens there on Sunday mornings. In 4 theaters the children will be entertained while their parents are in service. Everything was cleaned, floors, walls, seats, bathrooms, etc. You can see Katelyn and Hannah in the front middle in pink. I am about 3 people outfrom the right corner of the blue wall. Pastor Rob is holding his daughter, Whitney, right next to me. If you click on the picture, it will get bigger so you can see us better and read the sign that we are pointing at!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Katelyn's 1st Notre Dame Game!!!!

Katie's dad took her to her first Notre Dame game ever! She was well equipped in all the necessary garb. She wore her ND shirt and had her ND sweatshirt in case it got chilly. She also had on Blue, Gold, and green jewelry. Of course you cannot go to a game without wearing a tattoo or two.

View from their seats

The toss

Look close, see the coin in the air!

The Student Section

Not far from the press box

Final Score ND 21-San Diego 13

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dave Matthews Song

Until I can find some other way of getting you there, this is the only way I have of taking you. Our church band did their version of Dave Matthew's grave digger. Lead singer, Trace had alittle problem hitting some of the notes but as aways, he is awesome! Hit the button with the FS for Full Screen and take notice of the pictures on the screen that are from a grave yard in Buchanan Michigan.
