Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Trip this Week to Kentucky

We had a awesome trip to Kentucky this week. Most of schools are back in session already so we did not have to wait in lines and the hotels were nice and quiet. I have posted a bunch of pictures, so please be sure and scroll down through all of them. We were so excited when right from the start we were greeted at the Mammoth Park entrance by deer and the rest of the trip was perfect too. Thank you for letting us share our trip with you!

The deer were so friendly at Mammoth that they did not mind us stopping our car and taking pictures of them. Even the 6 point buck did not seem to mind us getting up close. We did however, stay far enough away as not to get him mad.

Stopped at one of the lookout spots at Mammoth

Graveyard at Mammoth Cave

We found out that Mammoth Cave property has several graveyards but this is the first one that we happened upon. It was early in the morning and kind of foggy because we were up in the sky so high. It was also damp out and quiet, while we read the head stones. We kept thinking we heard something in the woods. Probably a deer. None the less we ran for the car.

Creepy graveyard that we came upon. Katie and I ended up running to the car because wasps were coming out of the ground every where.

After leaving the graveyard we happened upon this barn on the edge of the park. It was next to a rotting old house that looked in horrible conditions. Several cats came out of the barn when we drove by and the cats all looked in very ratty shape and again looked very scary looking. We could not help but take a picture. The living conditions were very poor in alot of Kentucky.

Green River

Pictures of the Green River running through Mammoth Cave Park

Mammoth Cave Vistors Center

The Visitors Center is being refurbished and will be very nice when it is finished. We did not have to wait in any lines and the park was very quite. Because Michigan has such a late time for their kids to go back to school this was a perfect time for us to take a vacation. It was not crowded at all and Katelyn was used to being asked by adults why she was not in school yet.

Entrance to The Mammoth Cave Snowball Tour

The bus from the visitor's center took us out into the woods and we ended up at a secluded spot where we walked down some stairs to this door. It was quite heavy and something was said about some snakes being in front of it. We descended 180 steps and no way to turn back. It immediately changed from a hot 81 degrees to a chilly and damp 57 degrees.

Katelyn properly dressed for cave exploring

Starting down into the cave, watch your head became the new phase that you heard constantly. It most always meant that there were low hanging rocks ahead. This is except for the one time when a bat carefully placed himself, hanging directly in the middle of our path. A gentleman behind me nearly freaked out when he realized the normal "watch your head" statement was for the bat. I thought he was going to run me over.

Snowball Room

Halfway through the tour we had lunch in the Snowball room and were allowed to use the the facilities in the cave batrooms. (play on words) The Snowball Room was called that because of the formation of the gypsum on the ceiling on the room and the fact that it looks like snowballs.

Cave writtings dated 1852. They used to let people use candle smoke to write their names in the cave walls. Some of the names are of very famous people in history.

Start Of Mammoth Cave New Entrance Tour

We started out like the first tour, on a bus. This time the door to the cave was not as prehistoric. It was a nice metal door instead of a big scary prison looking door. This time we had nice metal steps at first, that changed very quickly and we were then going through rock that we could barely fit.

Going Down inside the Cave

This cave was different than the first one we went into. Instead of going down on flat stairs like we did the first time, this time we went down into a vertical shaft and sometimes the walls were so narrow you could barely fit. If you dared to look down you could not see bottom. If you looked up you saw beautiful cave walls that went on forever. Not a tour for someone scared of high places or tight places.

looking up

looking down

Drapery Room and Frozen Niagara

All of these pictures were taken in the most spectacular part of the entire cave system. It is called the drapery room and frozen Niagara because of the way it looks. Absolutely breathtaking!!!!

Stop for a family photo!

In this photo we are nearing the end of our trip. It has been amazing. All around us in this photo are beautiful areas of the cave. We have just completed 2 cave tours, each 3 hours long. The first having 189 steps down and back up. The second tour was 500 stairs down. Luckily we did not have to go back up those 500 stairs and went out a different door of the cave then we went into.

Bowling Green Vistors Center

On the last day of our Kentucky trip we made a trip to Bowling Green to go to the Lost River Cave. We stopped by the Bowling Green vistors center to get this picture.

Pictures taken on the trail to the Lost River Cave and Butterfly Habitat

Pictures taken in the Butterfly Habitat