Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life's Treasures

I know that most everyone that knows us, knows our story. There are a few that do not. I think it is important that everyone knows even if it makes some people uncomfortable talking about the physical aspects of it all. What I am speaking about is the fact that our lovely and beautiful daughter Katelyn did not come into the world in a normal and easily achieved manor like most children. Katelyn is what we love to call a miracle child and was conceived through Invitro Fertilization. The reason I think that it is important that people should know is not because Katelyn is any smarter or better that any other child. It is not because we spent more money and cried more tears trying to conceive her (even though we did). The reason I feel it is necessary that people should know, is for those out there trying to conceive and not being able to. To let them know there is hope. Also I want everyone to know that God does answer prayers. In today's world there is so much despair and you begin to wonder if there is any hope. I felt that way for lots of years when I wanted to have a child. I wanted a child so badly. I prayed so hard, for so long that I thought surely it would never happen. How wrong I was, I now have a beautiful 11 year old to prove that pray works.