Friday, May 29, 2009

Our trip to Medieval Times

It was a beautiful spring afternoon and we took Katelyn and her friend Taylor to Chicago to celebrate Katelyn's 11th birthday. We had a awesome day. Enjoy looking at the pictures of our trip.

Katelyn & Taylor were both knighted

Lady Katelyn

Lady Taylor

The Audience

The King

The Queen

Parade of Knights

Our Knight was the blue Knight. He would kiss a flower and send it into the crowd. Katie received one of the flowers.

We received a feast fit for a king! There was no silverware to eat with. We received baby Dragon as our main dish. It was very good.

While in Chicago we visited Lego Land!!

Lego Chicago
Lego Navy Pier

Lego Darth Vadar

Kate with Harry Potter
Taylor with Lego Harry Potter

Lego Lion

Taylor and Kate with Patrick
Taylor and Kate with Sponge Bob
Big Scary Spider. Made out of Legos!!