Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Miss You, Money

This was a funny skit that all of us can really relate to right now. Take a moment and watch it. We all could use a good laugh in these times of stress with the economy the way it is. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

All Things New

Once again Pastor Dan never stops surprising us!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cool in '09

Check out our youth Pastor DC Curry as he speak to the audience on Wednesday evening during the first part of the service. He really got everyone fired up about the food drop coming up this Saturday morning.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Favorite pictures of 2008

From the blistering cold and huge amounts of snow we received last winter, these are some of my favorite pictures of 2008. Alot has happened in this last year. The children in these pictures have grown. We have added new family members to the pictures. We have some new family members that I do not have pictures of yet. Sometime soon I hope to get pictures of my new niece Sophia Grace who was born on October 31 2008. Some of these pictures are repeats, some are new to my blog. If you wish to get a better look at the picture, just click on it. Thanks for stopping to look!

Katelyn and Brianne


Jim and Cam


Rusty and Julie

Katie and Ava


Katelyn, Kaley, Kobe

Aunt Mary Ann

Don and Miloh



Mary, Jean and Rose

Susan and Jeff