Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life's Treasures

I know that most everyone that knows us, knows our story. There are a few that do not. I think it is important that everyone knows even if it makes some people uncomfortable talking about the physical aspects of it all. What I am speaking about is the fact that our lovely and beautiful daughter Katelyn did not come into the world in a normal and easily achieved manor like most children. Katelyn is what we love to call a miracle child and was conceived through Invitro Fertilization. The reason I think that it is important that people should know is not because Katelyn is any smarter or better that any other child. It is not because we spent more money and cried more tears trying to conceive her (even though we did). The reason I feel it is necessary that people should know, is for those out there trying to conceive and not being able to. To let them know there is hope. Also I want everyone to know that God does answer prayers. In today's world there is so much despair and you begin to wonder if there is any hope. I felt that way for lots of years when I wanted to have a child. I wanted a child so badly. I prayed so hard, for so long that I thought surely it would never happen. How wrong I was, I now have a beautiful 11 year old to prove that pray works.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Katie is at Camp Adventure!!

Second Row, 5th from right, turqoise shirt, looking down. That's Katelyn, she is with these kids for a week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sing Along

Jim does alot of the taping for our church services. This performance done by our band and song by Pastor Dan took alot of practice and turned out awesome!! Great job guys.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Our trip to Medieval Times

It was a beautiful spring afternoon and we took Katelyn and her friend Taylor to Chicago to celebrate Katelyn's 11th birthday. We had a awesome day. Enjoy looking at the pictures of our trip.

Katelyn & Taylor were both knighted

Lady Katelyn

Lady Taylor

The Audience

The King

The Queen

Parade of Knights

Our Knight was the blue Knight. He would kiss a flower and send it into the crowd. Katie received one of the flowers.

We received a feast fit for a king! There was no silverware to eat with. We received baby Dragon as our main dish. It was very good.

While in Chicago we visited Lego Land!!

Lego Chicago
Lego Navy Pier

Lego Darth Vadar

Kate with Harry Potter
Taylor with Lego Harry Potter

Lego Lion

Taylor and Kate with Patrick
Taylor and Kate with Sponge Bob
Big Scary Spider. Made out of Legos!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Check out the excellent job by Don on a previous service at GCC

Slow Fade

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Favorite Pastor started a blog

Finally, one of my favorite people, and pastors is posting his own blog. I have been waiting for Jason Miller to post a blog for a long time. He is so inspiring to listen to. He has so much to say. It is hard to believe that this man is only in his 30's, single and knows so much about the world and about life and living. Women and men of all ages can learn alot from what Jason has to say. He is a man before his time. Go to his blog and read it. Come to GCC and listen to him. He occasionally does the weekend service and leads some of the Wednesday bible study.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Miss You, Money

This was a funny skit that all of us can really relate to right now. Take a moment and watch it. We all could use a good laugh in these times of stress with the economy the way it is. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

All Things New

Once again Pastor Dan never stops surprising us!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cool in '09

Check out our youth Pastor DC Curry as he speak to the audience on Wednesday evening during the first part of the service. He really got everyone fired up about the food drop coming up this Saturday morning.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Favorite pictures of 2008

From the blistering cold and huge amounts of snow we received last winter, these are some of my favorite pictures of 2008. Alot has happened in this last year. The children in these pictures have grown. We have added new family members to the pictures. We have some new family members that I do not have pictures of yet. Sometime soon I hope to get pictures of my new niece Sophia Grace who was born on October 31 2008. Some of these pictures are repeats, some are new to my blog. If you wish to get a better look at the picture, just click on it. Thanks for stopping to look!

Katelyn and Brianne


Jim and Cam