Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Falling Leaves

What exactly did people do before they came out with the baggers that you could attach to your lawn tractors. Last night Jim had all the leaves picked up in our yard. Right now, this is how our yard looks. He is going to faint when he pulls in the driveway. Plus our trees still have alot of leaves in them that have not fallen yet. I cannot imagine the days when you had to rake them by hand. Maybe that is why when we moved in this house years ago in November, the yard was full of leaves and the grass was dead from years of the leaves having not been picked up. Thank goodness there is technology.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween night Katelyn and her cousin Ava went trick or treating together. Katelyn went as Sally from Night before Christmas and Ava was a bumblebee. They had a great time going through our neighborhood. The night before we had carved our pumpkins to look like the grim reaper and Jack Skellington who is also from the Night Before Christmas

After trick or treating was over we took the girls over to show grandma and grandpa their costumes. They even dressed up their build a bears in costumes. One was a pumpkin and the other was Hannah Montana.