Monday, June 23, 2008

Serving Back

This is a parody of Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back. It is called Serving Back and is reference to serving the lord.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here are some pics of our garden and its progress from the last pictures I posted. It is growing fast and doing good. We have had plenty of water. The spot we picked was not ideal, maybe little too shady. We wanted to keep it in the fenced in part of our yard because most of the neighbors loose their gardens to the high deer population. The rabbit population also is a problem but we have not had that since we put up a small chicken wire fence. We did have a mole come up and make a huge amount of paths under most everything we planted. Hopefully it will not damage what work we have done. The moles are a big problem for our hole yard no matter what Jim has done to try to stop them. The year he tried to poison them, he ended up poisoning my squirrel friends that I had been feeding and enjoying in our front tree.

Tomatoes looking awesome!!

If you look closely to the left of the tomatoes you will see peppers

Butternut squash coming along nicely

Beans Looking good!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Schools Out for Summer!

So sweet and innocent. What did I hear the first day school was out. Mom, I'm bored, I don't have anything to do. Worst part is, she had a friend over when she said it! She would stay up all night and sleep all day if I let her. How many days is it till school starts?!

I spent a little time in Wisconsin at the Bead and Button Show. It was awesome! I was overwhelmed. It was really hard to decide what to purchase since there was so much. There were a couple of items that I can get online but wanted to find at a better price. The prices were alot better! The one company that I had been thinking about purchasing from online, I finally got a upclose look at their items. This watch is made from some of the metal sliders that I found there. I had purchased a copper watch along time ago with the idea that I would like to make something in copper. I don't think I am going to sell this watch. I think I will call this one mine. It is not too often I make one for myself. I can't wait till the Bead and Button show next year!