Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Edwardsburg Memorial Day Parade 2008

The weather was fantastic! What a great day for a parade. This year we had Aaron marching in the band, Katelyn marching with the junior girl scouts and Ava marching with the brownies. The parade was moving so fast that we never got a picture of Ava. If anyone got a picture of Ava please email it to me so that I can add it to the blog!

Here comes the Band! Aaron will be in here!!

Here comes Aaron 3rd from the left!

Great Shot of Aaron!

Looking Good Aaron!!!!

Katelyn Handing out Candy and Necklaces!

Katiebug Marching with Girlscouts

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jim, Camilla & Moose Krause

We spent a lovely day Thursday afternoon with our friends from Atlanta, Jim and Cam. We tried to show them as many interesting places in South Bend as we had time for. We enjoy having them so much that when they come it is never long enough. The weather was spectacular and the Notre Dame Campus was in beautiful condition. Thank you Jim and Cam for taking time out from you hectic lives to come see us. Katie misses you already!

Golden Dome

The Grotto

Life Guard Training on the East Race

Friday, May 23, 2008

David Cook - Guitar Hero Commercial

I had to add this to my blog! David Cook was my pick from the beginning. This commerical was great.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Volunteer Celebration

Granger Community Church did one of the best skits I have seen them do in a long time. We totally enjoyed it and I have added it to my blog so you can enjoy it too.

Great Public Service Announcement |

This will really get your attention!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I have my Presidental pick for 2008.

I know the perfect president. If you don't already know him, contact me and I can help you get to know him! It could be one of the best moves you ever made in your life!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Red Letters

This video from our church is MOST awesome. Singer on left is Seth Bible (imagine having that last name). He is fairly new to our upstairs service as he was previously downstairs singing to the kids. His voice is amazing. Singer on the right is Trace Rorie. He is one of our regulars and always gives us a great presentation. We have various dummers, but this drummer is my favorite. He really gets into the music. This song was fantastic when they did it. I am so happy that I was able to add it to my blog!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mom and Daughter Match

My sister got us aprons that match. Mine says domestic diva.

Katelyn Cooking

Katie's apron says Diva in Training

Katelyn Celebrated her 10th Birthday at Scoccer Zone's Kid Zoodles

This is the entrance to Kid Zoodles at Scoocer Zone. Katelyn invited her friends from school for some bouncing fun. Be sure to look at all the pictures because they had a great time. I think there were several burned elbows, twisted ankles, twisted wrists, a few blows to the stomach area, and one kick in the nose. It never slowed them down for a second.

Kelsey on the big slide

Katelyn & Brianne

Hannah doing the big slide

Monday, May 5, 2008

The gang's all here!


Alaina & Kelsey ate their cups.

Alaina and Kelsey were mad because it was taking so long for their cake to come.

Katelyn thinks its gross that Jake and Brianne are putting chocolate on their face!

This is what happened after they finished their cake!

Hannah starting to misbehave

Here we see Hannah already starting to get into trouble. We did not have to worry about Carma. She is always polite and well behaved!

Hannah wearing her War Paint

It was getting close to the end of the cake and ice cream time when the kids started getting alittle creative with the frosting.

We Took Katelyn & Ava to TGIF since they share the same birthday!

It was so funny when the crew at TGIF started coming 1 by 1 and putting balloons on the girls. Each would ask them different guestions like, are you friends, are you sisters, are you twins. When they found out they were cousins they wanted to know how close they were in age and how well they get along. It was alot of fun for them.

TGIF sang Happy Birthday to Ava & Katelyn

The whole TGIF crew came over and made the girls stand while the sang a silly song to them and made sure everyone in the resturant knew it was their birthday.

Ava & Katie try to stuff themselves!

We put our coats on and were ready to leave and they brought the girls huge dishes filled with ice cream and whipped cream. They both looked liked they were going to explode!