Thursday, March 27, 2008

It is hard to believe that in a little over a month that our daughter Katelyn will be 10. Time sure does fly. I bet Jim can not hold her in the palm of his hand any more.

GCC Plays Simon (Additional Version)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Easter Service

Our Easter service was truly something different. We discussed the virual effect and how when something happens or when you talk about something it will pass on to someone else. Like talking about Jesus. We want to spread the word of Jesus to others. Our pastor demonstrated this by giving everyone in the audience glow sticks. We have seating for over 2 thousand in our auditorium. We had 6 full Easter services. The glow sticks were yellow, red and blue. We played the game Simon with the sticks, to music and the church put the video on Youtube. You can watch the video above!!

The Girls

Below I have posted one of my favorite pictures of Katelyn and Ava. They are more like sisters than cousins. Tomorrow after school they have a play date together to go and learn how to make a cake. Any time together is sure to be fun.

When is Spring Coming?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Start of New Blog!

For those of you who did not know, we have been spending alot of our time at church. We attend Granger Community Church which is located across from Super Target in Mishawaka. Jim has taken on the task of working with the sound production in our auditorium. Katelyn has joined the Outloud Team and is performing, singing and dancing, 2 weekends a month, for the toddler through 4th grade children down stairs. I have posted 2 videos. Be sure to adjust your volume!

Katie Performing in the Penquin Room at Church

Katie Performing In the Under the Sea Room

Happy Dyngus Day!

Today is Dyngus Day. For those of you who don't know what Dyngus Day is you need to pay our area a visit. We leave close to South Bend, Indiana and I actually grew up there. Dyngus day is a standing tradition in the community. It falls on the day after Easter and is usually celebrated with most excitement among the Polish that live in the area. South Bend has a very large amount of Polish immigrants and therefore Dyngus is a very big deal. There is tons of sausage, cabbage, boiled eggs, and liquor consumed. All this is done while the politicians come around for a visit. This year is even more striking as we will be getting a visit from former President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea.